Welcome to the DeafandHoH chatroom! Join us select Wednesdays from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. EST to share our experiences and discuss all things hearing loss. The next Open Chat Night will be held: TBA.

Sign in or create an account to enter the chat. Be sure to follow the rules and be respectful of fellow users.


Open Chat Night TBA
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Chat Rules

The chat room is free to use and provides a safe environment for all ages. You agree to use the chat room only to send and receive messages that are legal, proper, and related to the hearing loss community.

We ask you to follow the rules of the chat, which are as follows:

  1. Do not post foul, vulgar, and obscene language in the chat room.
  2. Any racist remarks, comments, behavior, or prejudice will not be tolerated.
  3. Any behavior that is seen to be intimidating, threatening, abusive, or bullying is not welcome.
  4. If a user/guest name is used that is seen as inappropriate for the chat room, you will be asked to choose another name.
  5. Links posted purely for advertising, for commercial reasons, or to offend other users are not welcome.
  6. Flooding of the screen is not welcome, nor anything that hinders people’s enjoyment of the chat room.
  7. Pornographic links posted in the chat room will result in a ban without warning.

You agree by entering this chat room that we cannot be held responsible for any behavior, although the chat room is usually monitored by admin during Wednesday Night’s Open Chat Night.

If you break the above rules, you should expect to be warned, and if the warning is not heeded then you will be booted from the chat. If you continue to break the rules, you will be banned.

By entering this chat room, you agree to these terms.